Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Happy Homeowners

Hey, look what we got last Thursday!

After a marathon session of signing papers we were finally handed the keys to our new house.  Which we are not renting.  We are actual home owners!  It felt really good to check the box marked "owner" instead of "renter" on various utilities contact forms.

I couldn't be happier, especially knowing that it's home for me and the love of my life.  I can't wait to start a family and fill the house with many years of happy memories.  It's funny how things come full circle.  I've loved Charlie since we met at the summer camp where we both worked in 1995 and for close to three years we've been making dreams come true for each other.  This new chapter of our life is another dream come true.

So for the past week I've been cleaning the new house and putting away the fragile stuff we don't want to entrust to the movers.  Plus I'm not alone in the cleaning and painting departments.  My mom is helping with the cleaning and my mother-in-law is bringing her expert painting skills to transform some rooms.  We're so lucky that we have such supportive families and that they get along so well.  I'm looking forward to hosting many holidays and parties at our house.  God knows we have the room for it!

Of course I'll post a house tour featuring all the oddities we've found in the house.  And if you have any idea why the sellers put a lock on the attic door which enables us to lock people INSIDE the attic, please let me know.  Weirdos.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cloche Hat 2: Progress!

And I'd happily show you the progress if I could find the hat in the sea of moving boxes that has become our current home.  We close on the house this week y'all.  And it has all come together really, really fast.  It seems like the mortgage and title companies got everything they needed on the same day and we were setting up the closing date for less than a week later.  We're actually closing on the house three weeks sooner than planned.  Yay!  So now it's a race to get utilities switched over and work out a moving date with the moving company.  Yes.  We do not have to recruit people to help haul heavy stuff into a Uhaul!  We have actual professional movers.  SO LUCKY.

You don't really care about that, do you?  Fine, here's a couple of pictures just to get you off my back.

Anyway, after the super crappy month that was March I decided I needed a pick me up.  A change.  And what says change better than going red with the hair?

That picture was taken the day the deed was done.  Also in a brightly lit place.  Bye bye brunette.  It has calmed down a bit.

Taken in a low light room.  So there you have it.  I don't think I'll be going back to brunette any time soon.  Red is fun.  Also, as an added bonus, it drives my dad bananas.  Muahaha!