Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lack of Focus

Look here.  No one would ever describe me as a focused person, and I'm cool with that.  I can change what I'm doing with little to no problems.  Go with the flow. You get it.  Chill.


I wouldn't use "chill" to describe me.  My memory used to be pretty sharp.  Now my memory basically sucks.  I never was a list maker.  Now I am.  I could make mental lists in my head and remember what I needed to do.  Now, without a list I'm a bit lost.  Sometimes that's okay say, at the grocery store or trying something new.  But with things like bills and medical records?  Lists are a necessity.

Recently I had to make a list of all the projects on which I'm working.  Once I had everything written down just looking at that list made me bored, tired, and uninspired.  All I could think about were the OTHER things I wanted to try making.

BUT I pledge to finish the projects that need done before starting anything new.  Sigh.

Yes that was boring.  So for your trouble, hey look!  PIE!

Yes I made it.  From scratch.  Yes even the fancy french crust.  In my too small food processor.  Yes it's apple. Spiced apple pie to be exact.  Yes I zested lemons.  Yes I cut out 70 of those little daisy cutouts and overlapped them in a concentric circle starting at the bottom, using an egg wash of one large egg yolk and 1/4 cup heavy cream to make them adhere together.

Yes this was the first pie I ever made and it tasted awesome.  Well, I thought so.  It's also the first apple pie I've ever eaten.  I know, I know.  I did get a second opinion and Charlie deemed it "pretty good" which for him is high praise indeed.

Suck it Martha Stewart.  (even though I got the recipe from one of her publications.  But come on, she never makes the stuff!  SHE HAS MINIONS!  It took two days to make this pie since the crust has to be refrigerated overnight!  Yeah, like she's going to WAIT for pie.  Pff.  And people think Oprah has an empire.  Martha is much more sneaky about hers, people.  Jail taught her well.  Keep a low profile, learn info but only use it to your advantage, and have a shank on you at all times.  Trust.)

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