Thursday, November 1, 2012

And Then Two Became One

Wedding mania is over, except really there wasn't anything manic about it.  Everything went off without a hitch.  We were officially married on October 19th at the courthouse.  It was a simple and lovely ceremony.  I'm glad that my sister sent us a few pics.

Everything about it felt right.  I wasn't nervous at all.  I knew and know Charlie is exactly the person I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with and that's an amazing and comforting feeling.  After the ceremony and pictures with our awesome photographer we all went out for a great dinner.  Both my family and Charlie's get along so well.  My parents and Charlie's mom graduated together, so there's a lot of history.  Our nieces kept everyone in hysterics and I definitely teared up the first time they called me Aunt Sabrina.  Adorable.

The next day was the big reception and what a party!  Everyone who RSVP'd was there.  It was a packed house.  And there was a lot of dancing.  The biggest hit of the night though was the photobooth.  Over 500 pictures were taken.  Here are just a few.

The props were a big hit.  It was great because the booth printed two copies of the photos so guests got to keep one copy and the other went into a photo album for Charlie and I.  It's a great blackmail tool keepsake.

A few words about the two guys in the last picture.  Both are great friends.  The one on the right is my best friend and man of honor who did a great job with the usual holding flowers, train adjustment, etc.  But both he and Brad, the dude on the left, have been friends with me for 12 years and were there when I was first diagnosed with MS.  They've been there and know about every change and progression of the disease.  (Well, the TRUE ones.  Apparently there was a rumor circulating that at one point I wasn't able to even "wipe my own ass."  I'm glad to say that's a fabrication.  I sure as hell have no idea who would have done it for me!)

So throughout the night both Chambers and Brad did the additional check ins to see if I needed a break or if I had taken my meds or if I was overheated.  Or did I require an Asti break.  It's great having friends that know you so well and vice versa.

As a result of Chambers' usual charm, my aunt's are all in love with him.  To which my response was DUH.

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