Sunday, January 20, 2013


Hey!  A picture filled post!  Let's start with some Christmas pics.

Since I said I would post some forever ago.

Also I finished knitting the Everdeen Hat.

Now for the new way of hat making!  For the past two years I've gotten interested in making cloche hats.  What's a cloche hat, you ask??
That's a cloche hat!  But they aren't sewn or knitted.  They're made with a hat block.  Again, are you asking wha????
That's a hat block!  Charlie got it for me for Christmas.  It's a three piece set and I'll be able to order different hat tops and brims from the company in London.  Next post will be all about getting started making my first cloche hat, which requires saran wrap, boiling water and rubber tubing.  Kinky!

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