Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Lost 15 Pounds in Two Weeks and So Can You! But Don't!

Fifteen pounds in two weeks, you say?  Yes!  It's possible and done in a most horrible, horrible way!  What, you still want to know how?  Okay, loony.

1. Stay in the hospital for a week and gain six pounds from IV fluids.  This was a shocker.  I figured when I was released and got on the scale at home I would have dropped some of those lbs.  Imagine my surprise when I found I'd actually gained six pounds.  Wha?  I guess a week of getting 150-200 ml of IV fluid per hour adds up.

2.  Catch a nasty cold from your spouse/partner/someone you live with.  Charlie picked up a nasty chest cold while staying with me at the hospital which I caught from him after I got home.  No fun.

3.  Live on a diet of Mucinex and cough drops.  Holy poop, Mucinex really does work!  Sure I'm still hacking up a lung but at least all the grossness is getting out of my system.  I hate their commercials tho.  So nasty.  Unfortunately for me medicines like Nyquil and Mucinex, which advertise helping you sleep, have the reverse affect on me.  They make me wired.  And cough drops?  Total appetite suppressant.

4.  Learn to live without your gallbladder.  Some medicinal changes were in order.  Enough said.

So week two post surgery was quite the adventure in misery.  On the plus side my incisions are healing up nicely.  I missed my post-op appointment because of the cold but will see the surgeon this week where he will finally meet my true skin color, uber pale, as opposed to jaundice.  I also had a scary blackout this week which resulted in me falling into the claw foot bathtub.  I don't remember much about it but, luckily, came out with only a few bruises.  I don't recommend losing weight this way to anyone.  I can't wait to get both my strength back and the all clear to start exercising again.  I have to get my moving muscles in shape.

We're supposedly getting another snow storm starting tomorrow night which is par for the course in March.  I am so ready to turn the calendar to April.  March 2013 can suck it.

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