Friday, February 18, 2011

The Ottoman Project, continued

I have to first start this post with....


Mom and I are very similar in a lot of ways, including coming up with things we want to try and often times just jumping right into it instead of finding info somewhere else.  Also we both think that we should automatically be awesome at something the first time we try it.  No wonder we're both medicated.

Previously the cover to protect the coffee table was found.  Today I'm going to talk about construction.  Oh yeah.

Here are the materials I used:
Two 2' x 4'  MDF boards
Gorilla glue
Nails and screws
A bunch of padding
Both an expert and a moron at the Home Depot

First I'd like to say that I think everyone at my local Home Depot takes happy pills.  Seriously.  So happy.  So helpful.  Before I left the house I measured the length and width of the coffee table THREE TIMES.  I also researched different materials to use as the base but really I wanted the input of a professional to figure out what material to use.

Enter Dale.

I wish I had a picture of Dale.  He could be a stand in for ZZ Top.  I explained my project and he suggested the MDF board because it's strong enough to hold up to anyone sitting on the ottoman.  I was stupefied.  WHO WOULD SIT ON MY COFFEE TABLE?!?!  Dale then reminded me.  Ottoman.  Touche.

This is the part Ben will love.  The following conversation took place:

Me:  I have measurements
Dale:  (rolling eyes)  Women always come in with measurements.  Too bad they're mostly wrong.
Me:  *very cold stare*
Dale:  Then they come back and blame me and....
Me (interrupting, of course)  Hey Dale, my measurements are correct.  Seriously.  My dad was a carpenter and in our house?  It was measure three times, cut once.  So not only did I know how to hang drywall as a kid?  I know how to take measurements.  Also?  You're the one doing the cutting.  So did you ever think that you're the one making the mistakes?
Dale:  Well...we'll just see

Yeah, Dale did the cutting and guess what?  HE ALMOST MESSED UP.  Neener, neener, Dale!  I had to remind him of a few measurements.  Take that, ZZ Top wannabe!  Actually Dale was pretty cool.  The manager who gave me the wrong size of screws was a plebeian.

When I got home I started right away.

Gorilla Glue, you are my friend.  Once it set for a bit I moved it to the floor.  This thing?  Awkward to move.

The screws the manager gave me were huge.  They were splitting the MDF.  Luckily I had some smaller ones, plus some nails that worked.  I did a trial fit and it slid on perfectly.  Go me!

Next I started padding the topper.  I used two mattress pads, a blanket, and various other material I had around the house.  (The mattress pads were new, people.  Used would have been way gross.)  Also I used a staple gun to keep everything in place.

Pictures are deceptive.  This took FOREVER but finally, FINALLY it was time for the heel test.

As if you couldn't tell, those aren't my feet.  Charlie's delicate feet declared that it wasn't comfortable enough for his dainty heels.  ARGH!!  Fine.  Next time I'll tell you all about the finishing and meeting the high demands of Charlie's feet.  Then we'll move on to....ruffles!  Squeeeeee!

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