Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Project One: Turning A Coffee Table into an Ottoman

Alright, first thing I want to say is FIRST OF ALL, CHAMBERS, THE COFFEE TABLE IS OKAY.

(Not that the above statement even comes close to getting phone calls from your firefighter best friend that start out, "first of all, I'm okay."  Yeah, when he says that?  I automatically go into panic mode.  Oh, you caught on fire today?  Yawn.  Also that was a very lame payback.)

Recently I acquired a couch.  Before that I had the comfy sack, which is this awesomely huge beanbag type thing.  It's filled with pieces of memory foam and induces narcolepsy.  Not kidding.  I know many that can attest to it.  (For those of you crying because you think I got rid of the comfy sack, don't worry.  I still have it and you can come over any time and pass out on it.)

The couch is awesome.  Love reading on it.  Nice for watching movies.  The only problem is there isn't a place to rest your feet except on the couch.  Who wants to do that on a NEW piece of furniture?!?  Plus putting your feet on the coffee table just isn't that comfortable.  So I went looking for some kind of ottoman or footstool or something to serve the purpose.  I discovered two things:  1) holy poop, they are expensive and 2) um, what to do with the coffee table?

By the way, here is the coffee table:

Look at that beautiful, pristine piece of furniture.  Chambers bought this for...me...for a....specific occasion seven years ago.
Alright, I can't lie.  This is how the coffee table USUALLY looks:

 Yes, usually it's cluttered with books.  My laptop.  Yarn.  And multiple bottles/cans of whatever I've grabbed to drink.  For those of you who know me you can attest to my habit of grabbing a bottle of water, leaving it somewhere, and then grabbing another when I'm thirsty and near the fridge.  Oh, did I mention I leave the half empty bottle wherever I left it?  Yeah, bad habit.

Getting back to the Ottoman thing.  I did some research and most of the DIY info I found had people DRILLING HOLES into a cheap coffee table they picked up at a garage sale.  There was no way I was drilling holes in this coffee table.  Also why buy another one?  Totally goes against point two above.  So I got to thinking and decided to try building a cover for the top of the coffee table.   I KNOW.  BRILLIANT.

First thing though was finding something to protect the coffee table from getting scratched by the topper.  Enter the linen closet.

Alright, before you call Hoarders to put me on the show let me just say that the closet holds many years of sheets, blankets, and curtains in various sizes.  I've moved a lot and the window sizes are never the same in two places.

Keeping in the cheap theme I found a blanket to use to protect the coffee table.

Hello good old fleece blanket!  I folded it double and made sure that it hung over each edge of the table.  Thus I was satisfied that no furniture would be harmed in the conversion of coffee table to Ottoman.

That's all for today, kids.  I know you could just pee yourself with excitement.  Stay tuned for a trip to Home Depot and the perils of Gorilla Glue!


Ben said...

Im tingling with excitement! but not quite tinkling.

Chambers said...

As long as no coffee tables were harmed in the making of the project! :)