Friday, April 27, 2012

Pick Just One

I've never been a person who can start a project and stick with it until it is finished.  I wish I had that kind of focus.  Truth is I get bored or frustrated or lose the concentration necessary for projects.  That's why I always have several going at once.  Like this:
These are the cut out pieces for the muslin that's the first step needed for a couture sewing class I'm taking.  After the muslin (prototype) is done I'll make the real thing out of this fabric:
But I've been sidetracked by a knitting pattern that I have yet to start because I have no idea how my hands are going to react.  But I did dye the yarn.
I'll save the wreath with paper flowers for another day since you are sufficiently overloaded and now can't sleep because of all the excitement.  I know!  Your mind.  BLOWN.

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