Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympics Junkie

I know I'm not the only one who loves the Olympics.  It's addictive.  But I have no patience for waiting until prime time to watch events that are taking place in real time.  Seriously NBC, do you really think that people don't find out the results of events BEFORE you air them?  Also, WHY IS RYAN SEACREST A COMMENTATOR??  Holy crap he's everywhere.  Then you have Bob Costas who is insufferable and Matt Lauer who was really rude during the opening ceremonies and voila!  As my friend called it you have the d-bag trifecta!  Good job, NBC.  End rant.

Jacket progress.  Corduroy!

Check out the pockets.  WHICH ARE LINED.  This is the first garment that I've lined the correct way, not as an afterthought.  Yes you are looking at a green jacket with purple lining.  Complimentary colors, people!  Just wait til we get to the next post.  I really have to call on my personal Tim Gunn for the next round.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I fully expected to be in wedding decorations mode at this point but guess what?  I don't have to worry about it anymore!  A professional stepped up and offered her event planning/decorating service for free.  FOR FREE.  There is a theme!  And a color scheme!  And I don't have to worry about setting anything up or taking anything down because she and her team do it all!  Lucky, lucky us.

Hey I started a jacket for fall.  It's going to look like this.
But first we prototype it.

And then the fun begins.  Corduroy, yo.  Bring.  It.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I started making a dress out of some great fabric and then found that it wasn't the right kind of fabric for that particular style of dress.  Nothing could be done to save it, so I had to throw the whole thing out.

I HAD TO THROW THE WHOLE THING OUT.  I've NEVER had to throw away a project before.  Humiliations galore.  Sigh.  Moving on.

Hey I made a fascinator!

Don't know what a fascinator is?  Look it up, kids.  You might have just learned something.  You fashionista, you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Peasant Dress

I took the shirt design to the next level and made a dress.

The fabric is a plain cotton which I dyed.  Loving the green.  I made adjustable cuffs so the look can go from fuller sleeves to fuller lower arm.  I'm thinking this will be a great dress for early fall.  Love!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


My parents' 40th wedding anniversary is next month so my siblings and I are planning a shindig.  I picked decorations and invitations for my assignments.  Grueling, I know.  Here is a finished centerpiece.

Flower window boxes.  Except the flowers are made out of paper.  I also made a bazillion paper butterflies for them.

Alright, more like 40 paper butterflies.  BUT IT FELT LIKE A BAZILLION.  Also a bazillion paper flowers.  Time intensive kids, but a lot of fun.  Well, a lot of fun when my hands agree to cooperate.  The MS and I are having a battle of wills right now and I'm determined to win this one.  MS you are a JERK.  Take that!  Oh yeah there's more where that came from.  So go back into your corner and hide please.  You aren't invited to the party.  How do I know?  I have the guest list.  HA!

Monday, July 2, 2012

By Design

One of my goals has been to design SOMETHING. Well, something wearable. I saw a shirt online that I liked but didn't because of various design elements. Isn't that always the way? You see the potential in an article of clothing but know it could be better. I decided to try and make something better. Right so I started making a shirt. I started with the sleeves.

 I'm going for the peasant blouse thing here, no biggie.  Well, yes biggie as in THESE ARE HUGE SLEEVES.  Here's Victoria modeling a more victorian sleeve.

Then I added in the shirt pieces, gathered the neck and voila!  Peasant blouse.

Oh, that's it you think?  Naah!  Now I'm taking this pattern further and making a dress.  I'm also going to try some funky dying on this white top.  Blank canvas people.  So much to muck up here.