Saturday, July 7, 2012


My parents' 40th wedding anniversary is next month so my siblings and I are planning a shindig.  I picked decorations and invitations for my assignments.  Grueling, I know.  Here is a finished centerpiece.

Flower window boxes.  Except the flowers are made out of paper.  I also made a bazillion paper butterflies for them.

Alright, more like 40 paper butterflies.  BUT IT FELT LIKE A BAZILLION.  Also a bazillion paper flowers.  Time intensive kids, but a lot of fun.  Well, a lot of fun when my hands agree to cooperate.  The MS and I are having a battle of wills right now and I'm determined to win this one.  MS you are a JERK.  Take that!  Oh yeah there's more where that came from.  So go back into your corner and hide please.  You aren't invited to the party.  How do I know?  I have the guest list.  HA!

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