Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympics Junkie

I know I'm not the only one who loves the Olympics.  It's addictive.  But I have no patience for waiting until prime time to watch events that are taking place in real time.  Seriously NBC, do you really think that people don't find out the results of events BEFORE you air them?  Also, WHY IS RYAN SEACREST A COMMENTATOR??  Holy crap he's everywhere.  Then you have Bob Costas who is insufferable and Matt Lauer who was really rude during the opening ceremonies and voila!  As my friend called it you have the d-bag trifecta!  Good job, NBC.  End rant.

Jacket progress.  Corduroy!

Check out the pockets.  WHICH ARE LINED.  This is the first garment that I've lined the correct way, not as an afterthought.  Yes you are looking at a green jacket with purple lining.  Complimentary colors, people!  Just wait til we get to the next post.  I really have to call on my personal Tim Gunn for the next round.

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