Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bachelorette It Up

Happy Get Marry! is in full swing here.  I'm so happy to report that the mother of the groom and mother of the bride have purchased their dresses.  Catastrophe diverted.

This weekend is party weekend with my Witness.  Or Man of Honor if you will.  My BFF.  My Bestie.  Use whatever vernacular you want, it makes no difference.  I'll be meeting up with my best friend in Philly to celebrate and I can't.  freaking. wait.  Its been six years since I worked in Philly and I haven't been back since I left.  In the intervening years I've said many times that I'd visit, but it never happened.  Life, you know.  And its been months (a year?) since I've seen my best friend and I'm so excited to see him.  Twelve years have passed since we met at the beginning of grad school.  I'm pretty sure he's gotten over his initial hatred of me because I had walking pnuemonia when we started an epic assignment.  Of course I got over my initial judgement of him as a slacker because I had my parts of the project done when he didn't.  But then we bonded when we found out we had a mutual opinion of the third party in our assignment.  I have no idea how to handle seeing him TWO MONTHS IN A ROW.  Swoon.

So this weekend will be packed with friends and celebration.  Plus a swanky hotel stay and I'm sure a ton of reminiscing.  It's funny where life takes you and the people you meet along the way who come along on the ride.  That jumping on and off of their rail car which you can miss for months but once you're aboard it feels like you never stepped off.  And going to a city that has changed but hasn't and going to old familiar haunts as well as new ones that I know will be comfortable as well.  Because it's more about the company you keep than where you keep it.  And I will be in the best company.  And for once I'll be the one traveling the greater distance, though he does have to endure the drive up from D.C.

Though we aren't shopping for a Maid of Honor dress.  There's no way that b***h is going to look better than me.  :)

1 comment:

Chambers said...

I'm glad we hitched the train together