Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Vanity Project: Prime and Paint Overkill

Having sanded the crap out of the vanity, I was ready for the part I had looked forward to the most: painting.  I love painting.  Back in my high school days I took many art classes and the only area in which I showed any promise was ceramics, but painting was fun.  I also enjoy painting furniture.  And playing with razor blades.  But we'll get to that later.

Since the end result I had in mind was a glossy white I consulted the people at Lowe's as to what type of paint should I use?  I figured I'd need fancy furniture paint but no, simple interior latex.  Bummer.  I also bought primer because why not?  Yeah the paint I bought had primer in it BUT I WAS AFTER A SPECIFIC LOOK PEOPLE.  And I had started here:
And brought it to here:
So yeah.  No messing around.  It was going to be all out white paint overkill.  So I primed it.  With two coats of primer.

Yes!  Priming overkill!  Go ahead and tell me about it.  Then I painted the back of the mirror.
Maybe you're wondering why I would do that since who's going to see it?  That part will be against the wall?  The point is I would know that it wasn't painted i.e. NOT DONE.  So there.
Two coats on the vanity table.
Which became three.
If you click on the picture and supersize it you can see the smudge where I checked to see if it was dry.  With my finger.  It wasn't dry.  Let that be a lesson to you in patience. 

The next post will be the last one about the vanity project.  It should be titled, The Vanity Project:  Proof that I Indeed Lost My Mind and Don't Know When to Quit and Someone Really Needs to be Around to just Tell me to Stop but No One is Here Except Victoria But She's Inanimate So She has No Vote When it Comes to How Far I Go In My Obsession With Perfection.

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