Sunday, June 5, 2011

As I Live and Breathe

Let's get the suck out of the way first, shall we?  No, I haven't posted in a while.  No, things are not great.  Yes, MS is the culprit.  Yes it has interrupted pretty much every part of my life.  We hates it.  But it knows.  New drugs, new tests, new weird diagnoses (speech arrest?  sure, okay.  you can work!  from home.  closely monitored.  have you thought about getting your doctorate?  Of course!  I'll lay on one couch and diagnose patients who lay on another couch!  Ba-dum-dum!  Thanks folks I'll be here all week!)

Plus the calendar might not announce the beginning of summer but the thermometer does.  Summer is the enemy.  Summer with the hot, deadly sun beating down.  The humidity.  My blood pressure dropping when I sit.  Dropping more when I stand.  Because let's just throw that on top of things, okay?  So I live upstairs in the relative comfort brought to me by the window air conditioners.  I try to get used to the new drug regiment.  I laugh at myself because writing when you're light headed?  It results in some funny stuff.

Oh, right.  Creative crap.  The stupid jacket is done, except for fully attaching the lining.  Pictures, of course:

You can tell from the last picture that both Victoria and I are so over this project.  That might not be the case if we hadn't SKIPPED SPRING THIS YEAR.  Seriously, the weather went from winter to summer.  There was no transition.  It was rain.rain.rain.rain then HEATwithrainHEATwithrainOHHII'MTHESUNkiddingit'srainingrain.rain.rain...

you get the idea.

So what now? 

Well, I have been rather limited.  The blood pressure thing makes it tough to sew for any lengthy period.  The muscle cramping/pain put the kibosh on knitting, though I'm happy to report last week was the first time in six months I was able to knit.  That's a big deal.  Knitting is my yoga.  Definitely something I could use right now.  But then an opportunity presented itself.

I've been looking for a vanity for some time now.  I have no idea why, just roll with me here.  I guess I'm hitting the girly girl phase late in life?  Who knows.  Being the nerd I am that meant research!  Love research.  Research led to the realization that vanities are expensive.  Holy crap.  And why?  I went to Target and looked at one and it was pretty shoddy.  I mentioned my quest to mom who then asked if I wanted the one up in the bedroom my sister and I shared growing up.


We had a vanity in our bedroom?!?!

Yeah dummy.  There was a vanity.  Good job, Captain observant.  The parentals brought it over when they took me for my six month MRIs.  Funny how I remember us throwing things in it but never using it for its given purpose.  Anyway, behold!  The vanity!

In its original condition.  Of course it isn't staying like this.  Of course there will be changes.  Of course I will blog about the process.  Of course I wore safety glasses.  Of course I took pictures of that.  Of course I'll post them.  Of course I'll blame it on the meds.

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