Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Paper Cuts Required

So I'm using this color palette:

And this ribbon covered wreath:
To make make a wreath of paper flowers, like this:
Only completely covered in handmade paper flowers.  Painstakingly handmade by me.

Pretty!  Dangerous!  Pretty dangerous!  What with pins, hot glue and paper that will slice your fingers at will.  Or pins that randomly pop up and stab fingers.

Of course this is added to the list of works in progress, though everything is on hold while I begin constructing a top hat.  ASAP.  What little girl doesn't want a pink satin top hat?!?!!  Let me rephrase.  What little girly girl doesn't want a pink satin top hat?  And don't you think her mom will want one to match?  I can't imagine getting invited to the tea party without it.  Epic faux pas.

These flowers were designed by me.  I also designed a ranunculus flower:

That?  That is made out of printer paper.  I found templates online but was very meh about them.  These I'm digging.  Now all I have to do is actually FINISH a project.  Of course that means picking one to which I say bah!  Oh right top hat, must go.  Apologies for the stream of consciousness post.  Welcome to my brain.  Yeah there's room in there, step on inside.  Just don't sit in my chair.

1 comment:

Ben said...

EPIC printer paper flowers... you should hit them with hairspray to protect them? and hey... Someone keeps moving my chair.