Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Headless Monkey

Right, so one of my closest friends is pregnant with twins and her showering for the babies is the beginning of July.  Plenty of time to throw together some gifties, right?  Because I never get overambitious or anything.  Heh.

Project One:  The Monkey Laundry Bag

A cute project that lives up to its name.  A laundry bag with a monkey on it.  Sounds pretty straight forward.  HA!  Here's where I'm at so far:

A bag with a headless monkey.  Rather gruesome but I'm working on it.  That stupid monkey head is way heavy and there's no way it's going to stay on with velcro alone.  So that means getting more creative.  Also, see that velcro by the tail?  Yeah, that's a mistake that must be turned into a "hey I meant to do that" area.  THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T READ THROUGH ALL THE DIRECTIONS.  Which happens to me frequently.  Oops.

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