Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm posting, Brad!

It's good to check in with friends to make sure they're not dead.  Sometimes it backfires because then said friend (Brad) tells you to GET POSTING on your blog because you haven't.  So HERE IT IS, BRAD.  A new post to GET YOU OFF MY BACK.

Hey the monkey bag is finished!

To fix the mistake of putting the velcro in the wrong place I made a small bag in which to put small items such as socks.  I figure tiny person socks get lost much easier than big people socks.  Genius!

The pattern is from the book Amy Butler's Little Stitches for Little Ones.  I would honestly make every pattern in this book, it's that awesome.

Next up, tiny person PJs!  Everything is so much more awesome when made on a tiny scale.


Ben said...

Sweet... what would be less sweet is if it was a dog and not a monkey.

Autoimmunicato said...

Yeah you don't see many dogs hanging out in the trees. At least not around here. Maybe in Hawaii but probably there you're more likely to find a rooster on a bag than a monkey. Or a dog.